Introduce lighting for pointcloud. Pointcloud will react to directionnal lights, spot and ambient lighting. It also supports realtime shadows.
In order to have a proper lighting, pointcloud must have normals generated at import.
Support fog when using lit points.
Add an optional bilateral filter in order to smooth colors when pointcloud is noisy.
Change pointcloud log file location to match editor logs folder.
Fix disabled pointcloud when we were in a built application.
Fix slider when max value is exceeding total number of points.
Add needed redistribuables c++ dll.
Fix flickering in editor when a preview camera was activated.
Fix licensing issue that was happening on some systems.
Some points were not at the right position when loading PTS file.
Fix crash when importing large pointcloud with normals.
Misc optimizations.
[3.0.0] - 2021-12-06
Basic support for URP
Change PointCloudStreamer's point budget by a new "Points Rendered" field to set maximum number of points that can be rendered at once.
[2.0.0] - 2021-07-27
Add clash detection between mesh and point clouds.
Support single pass instanced in shaders.
Add user defined gradients for point cloud distance fields.
Add uniform color appearance to point cloud.
Defines "STIPPLE" keyword when Stipple package is used.
You can now multi-edit point clouds parameters.
Fix point cloud reset value not being properly set when instanced from a prefab.
Fix appearance not being properly set when entering play mode.
Fix broken state when trying to reset a PointCloudAppearance component.
Fix crash when trying to compare point cloud with itself.
Fix error when StipplePreferences tries to create an asset named StipplePreferences.asset.
Fix icon texture in editor which was always the same for each component.
Fix point cloud edit box not following the point cloud when we moved it.
Importing a .db file was doing full reimport instead of relinking instantly.
Add missing namespace for "PointCloudCrossSection". It is now in Stipple.Runtime.Core namespace.
Removed "AdaptativeSplat" appearance as "AdaptativeConeSplat" was giving better results every time.
Clean-up unused shaders to improve build application time.
[1.0.2] - 2021-04-16
Fix issue where point cloud was not shown when executed on another computer.
[1.0.1] - 2021-04-09
Center camera view at the end of point cloud's import.
Height gradient is now using local transform instead of global one.
Import .db file was not working correctly.
Fix a scene corruption issue happening when user save or quit while editing.